Semifield study on the effect of membrane-based nitrogen production for the control of the eggs of Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Tribolium confusum J. du V.

Submitted: 27 July 2020
Accepted: 23 October 2020
Published: 30 November 2020
Abstract Views: 1040
PDF: 410
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In this paper, the effect of a highly purified N2 (98.5%) controlled atmosphere-generated in situ by a membrane nitrogen separator on mixed age eggs of Sitophilus oryzae and Tribolium confusum was evaluated. Trials were carried out in an airtight stainless silo filled with wheat, in which a nitrogen atmosphere was maintained for durations lasting from one to several days. The mean temperature recorded during the treatment varied from 22 to 24°C. After the treatment, the eggs were transferred to a jar with rearing medium and kept at 27±1°C and 70±5% R.H. The jars were checked every two days to record adult emergence. Eighty percent mortality was observed in T. confusum and S. oryzae with two and four days of treatment, respectively. One hundred percent mortality was obtained after five days of treatment in the case of T. confusum and six days for S. oryzae.



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Supporting Agencies

Fondazione Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

How to Cite

Locatelli, D., Girgenti, P., Moncini, L., & Limonta, L. (2020). Semifield study on the effect of membrane-based nitrogen production for the control of the eggs of <em>Sitophilus oryzae</em> (L.) and <em>Tribolium confusum</em> J. du V. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research, 52(1).