Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript will be carefully scrutinized for evidence of plagiarism, duplication and data manipulation; in particular, images will be carefully examined for any indication of intentional improper modification.

Any suspected misconduct ends up with a quick rejection and is then reported to the US Office of Research Integrity.

Ensure that your work is written in correct English before submission. Professional copyediting can help authors improve the presentation of their work and increase its chances of being taken on by a publisher. In case you feel that your manuscript would benefit from a professional a professional English language copyediting checking language grammar and style, you can find a reliable revision service at:

The Corresponding Author must submit the manuscript online-only through our Manuscript Submission System.

Authors are kindly invited to suggest potential reviewers (names, affilitations and email addresses) for their manuscript, if they wish.


Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts have to be double-spaced with one-inch margins. Headings must be used to designate the major divisions of the paper. To facilitate the review process, manuscripts should contain page and line numbering. Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscript checked by a language editing service, or by an English mother-tongue colleague prior to submission.



Original Articles: should normally be divided into an abstract, introduction, design and methods, results, discussion and references. The abstract should contain a maximum of 400 words. A maximum of 20 authors is permitted, and additional authors should be listed in an ad hoc appendix.

Review Articles: no particular format is required for these articles. However, they should have an informative, unstructured abstract of about 250 words. Reviews may also include meta-analyses, guidelines and consensus papers by scientific societies or working groups. These studies must be conducted following proper, widely accepted ad hoc procedures.

Short Communications: are articles with a simple layout and containing limited data (no more than two figures or tables) and a small number of citations (not more than 25). They should be limited to 2,000 words of text (figure captions, table headings and reference lists are additional to this limit).

Letters to the editor: should be from 250 to 1,000 words in length. Authors of letters to the editor should provide a short title for their letter.

Registration of new names or other nomenclatural acts in ZooBank (compulsory).

To comply with the 2012 Amendment to the International Code on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), by which new rules have been fixed to ensure valid publication of new names and other nomenclatural act in online-only journals, the Authors must provide on their manuscript the LSID registration number provided by ZooBank. As soon as your paper is accepted for publication in JEAR, please do the following:

  1. Go to If you are not yet registered with ZooBank, please do that now, simply providing username and password;
  2. Now proceed to register the publication in its current status (accepted but not yet published) through the web mask for “New Registration”;
  3. Please send to JEAR the LSID provided by ZooBank as unique identifier of your work and the registration date. The journal needs it to complete your paper with a sentence, now compulsorily required by ICZN, stating that your work has been registered with ZooBank;
  4. After the online publication, please be so kind and update the record of your paper in ZooBank, by adding the publication date.

If you have any problem with registration in ZooBank, please contact us.


Manuscript Format

Each manuscript should be typewritten and double spaced throughout, and be divided into: Title of the paper; Initials of the name and full surname of author(s); Journal Section (choose between: Entomology, Stored Product Pests, Insect Ecology, or Acarology); Key words (not more than seven); Abstract; Text; Acknowledgments; References; Full name and address of the institution(s) where the work was done; complete address (phone and fax numbers, E-mail address) of the author(s); Tables; Figure legends.

Abstract must be analytically informative. The Text should normally be subdivided into: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion. In the Introduction, which should be concise, the purpose of the research must be clearly explained.

Materials and Methods should report all information useful for repetition of the experiments. Generic and specific names should be typed in italics. Units of measurements should be those recommended by the International Committee for the Standardization of Units of Measurements, please check this site ( for Uniform Requirements.

Results should include the presentation of all experimental data. The description of the original observations must be concise, avoiding the use of both tables and graphs to illustrate the same results. An adequate statistical analysis of quantitative data should be provided. General considerations and conclusions should be reported in the Discussion only.

Acknowledgements will be placed at the end of the text.

Scientific names: common names of organisms should always be accompanied, when first cited, by their complete scientific name in italics (genus, species, attribution and, if appropriate, cultivar).

All papers must conform to the Internat. Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ed. IV, 1999). When first mentioned a plant or animal should include the full scientific name and the author of the zoological name unabbreviated, except for Linnaeus (L.) and Fabricius (F.).



References must be based on the name and year system, and conform to the following styles:

  1. Articles in serials or monographs: ENGLISH L.L., SNETSINGER R., 1957 - The biology and control of Eotetranychus multidigituli (Ewing) a spider mite of honey locust. - J. Econ. Entomol. 50: 784-788.
  2. Monographs: EMDEN VAN F., HENNIG W., 1970 - Diptera. In: TUXEN S.L., Taxonomists's glossary of genitalia in Insects. II ed. - Munksgaard, Copenhagen: 130-141.
  3. Books: KOSZTARAB M., KOZÁR F., 1988 - Scale Insects of Central Europe. - Akademiai Kiado, Budapest: 456 pp.

Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the ISI Journal Abbreviation Index, available at:

Please list papers by more than two authors, but with the same first author, by year sequence and alphabetically within each year.

Citation of authors in the text should appear in the form: (Polaszek, 1996). Authors should be cited in chronological order as: (Blackman et al., 1994; Roberts & Kumar, 1995).


Tables and Figures

The legends of Tables and Figures should be informative and concise without duplicating information presented within the body of the text. Remarks such as see comments in the text must be avoided. For Geographical names see the Times World Atlases (



Symbols and abbreviations used in figures can be defined in the figure caption or note or within the figure itself. Please avoid the use of bold face or greater size for the characters. Please remember that in order to promote good management of the space available images must take up the least space possible without compromising clarity. Figures and graphs must be submitted as .tif or .jpg files, with the following digital resolution:

  • Color (saved as CMYK): minimum 300 dpi;
  • Black and white/grays: minimum 600 dpi;

Lettering of figures must be clearly labelled. Several figures should be grouped into a plate. Micrographs contained in the same figure should be marked with letters. There is no additional cost for publishing colour figures.


Peer-review policy

All manuscripts submitted to our journal are critically assessed by external and/or in-house experts in accordance with the principles of peer review (, which is fundamental to the scientific publication process and the dissemination of sound science. Each paper is first assigned by the Editors to an appropriate Associate Editor who has knowledge of the field discussed in the manuscript. The first step of manuscript selection takes place entirely in-house and has two major objectives: i) to establish the article appropriateness for our journals readership; ii) to define the manuscript priority ranking relative to other manuscripts under consideration, since the number of papers that the journal receives is much greater than it can publish. If a manuscript does not receive a sufficiently high priority score to warrant publication, the editors will proceed to a quick rejection. The remaining articles are reviewed by at least two different external referees (second step or classical peer review). Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Uniform Requirements established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (

Authorship and Contributorship
All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship according to the ICMJE criteria. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credit should only be based on substantial contributions to: i) conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data, and to ii) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and on iii) final approval of the version to be published; and iv) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not justify authorship. General supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship. Authors should provide a brief description of their individual contributions. Those who do not meet all four criteria should not be listed as authors, but they should be acknowledged. Those whose contributions do not justify authorship may be acknowledged individually or together as a group under a single heading. Authors can find detailed information on the Publisher's web site.

Obligation to Register Clinical Trials 
The ICMJE believes that it is important to foster a comprehensive, publicly available database of clinical trials. The ICMJE defines a clinical trial as any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or concurrent comparison or control groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. Medical interventions include drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, process-of-care changes, etc. Our journals require, as a condition of consideration for publication, registration in a public trials registry. The journal considers a trial for publication only if it has been registered before the enrollment of the first patient. The journal does not advocate one particular registry, but requires authors to register their trial in a registry that meets several criteria. The registry must be accessible to the public at no charge. It must be open to all prospective registrants and managed by a non-profit organization. There must be a mechanism to ensure the validity of the registration data, and the registry should be electronically searchable. An acceptable registry must include a minimum of data elements ( For example, (, sponsored by the United States National Library of Medicine, meets these requirements.

Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research
When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2013. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. An Informed Consent statement is always required from patients involved in any experiments. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.  Further guidance on animal research ethics is available from the World Medical Association (2016 revision). When reporting experiments on ecosystems involving non-native species, Authors are bound to ensure compliance with the institutional and national guide for the preservation of native biodiversity.