Hyperparasitic showdown: Sclerodermus cereicollis, a non-aggressive but surprisingly secondary hyperparasitoid

Submitted: 26 March 2024
Accepted: 11 April 2024
Published: 29 May 2024
Abstract Views: 1703
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This study investigates the dynamics of hyperparasitism within the Bethylidae family, focusing on the interaction between Sclerodermus cereicollis and Goniozus legneri, two parasitoid wasp species characterized by different sociality and aggressivity towards conspecifics. Experimental trials were conducted using Corcyra cephalonica larvae as hosts, with different setups to stimulate competition. The results revealed unexpected behaviors, especially by S. cereicollis, including aggressive interactions, cannibalism, and hyperparasitism. In contrast, despite the typically aggressive nature of G. legneri, no particular hostility was observed toward S. cereicollis. The study highlights the complex dynamics of competition for resources among parasitoids, shedding light on the adaptive strategies and fitness costs associated with hyperparasitism. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the ecological interactions within parasitoid wasp communities.

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