Field catering in the operational and training activities of the Carabinieri Corps

Submitted: 17 December 2022
Accepted: 3 August 2023
Published: 3 October 2023
Abstract Views: 581
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The Armed Force's victualling sector, and field catering, in particular, were brought up to date following Publication No. C-19, Compendium of Logistic Provisions of the Carabinieri Force. Previously, there was no specific regulation in the defense sector, except for the operational reality of military contingents deployed abroad. The aim of this discussion is the military field catering regulatory adaptation to the procedures of the Certified Notification of Commencement of Activities, pursuant to Law 241/90. To this end, the Ministry of Defense has adopted a specific notification model for its food businesses (Interministerial Decree 06/03/2020). Presidential Decree 327/1980 also applies in the Arma with regard to refrigerated shelters intended for the storage of foodstuffs at a controlled temperature. The authorization, issued by the Veterinary Service of the Arma General Headquarters, is valid for 2 years and is renewable subject to verification of the specific requirements. The procedures to submit the certified activity start notice (SCIA) are functional for the type of service operation. The Veterinary Service issues a specific technical opinion on the relative hygiene and health requirements, while the plant-infrastructure part is assessed by the competent Directorate of Works of the Corps of Engineers of the aforementioned General Command. Failure to submit the SCIA is punishable under Legislative Decree No. 193/2007; however, if the conditions are met, recourse to the administrative institution of the warning is preferred. In the verification phase of the shelters in question, compliance with the regulations concerning the Agreement on the Transport of Perishable Goods must be ascertained. The new regulations allow the Armed Force to guarantee food safety in military operations involving the use of field modules for catering purposes.



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How to Cite

Pulze S, Presti N, Vergara A. Field catering in the operational and training activities of the Carabinieri Corps. Ital J Food Safety [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];12(4). Available from: