Search Results
Found 473 items.
Case report of a pustular dermatitis outbreak in sheep: Clinical and food safety considerations
1996PDF: 1006HTML: 192 -
Growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in six different RTE fruit products: impact of food matrix, storage temperature and shelf life
1712PDF: 786APPENDIX: 185HTML: 32 -
Temporal variation of faecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a dairy herd producing raw milk for direct human consumption
1126PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 902HTML: 104 -
The use of ascorbic acid as a food additive: technical-legal issues
5893PDF: 2381HTML: 485 -
High microbial loads found in minimally-processed sliced mushrooms from Italian market
1673PDF: 529HTML: 160 -
Consumers’ attitude towards fish meat
2228PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1477HTML: 388 -
Retrospective study on the hygienic quality of fresh ricotta cheeses produced in Sicily, Italy
1847PDF: 590HTML: 101 -
Risk assessment terminology: risk communication part 1
2569PDF: 953HTML: 1857 -
Amiata donkey milk chain: animal health evaluation and milk quality
2399PDF: 1182HTML: 480 -
Hazard analysis and critical control points among Chinese food business operators
1271PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 692HTML: 121 -
Study on potential Clostridium botulinum growth and toxin production in Parma ham
2644PDF: 1722HTML: 802 -
Food labelling: a brief analysis of European Regulation 1169/2011
2224PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1528HTML: 366 -
Risk assessment terminology: risk communication part 2
1161PDF: 701HTML: 115 -
Contamination of bovine, sheep and goat meat with Brucella spp.
1777PDF: 851HTML: 386 -
Assessment of the farm management of culling cattle: a survey of existing practices and suggestions for drafting of best practices
1101PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 509HTML: 385 -
Aflatoxin B1 risk management in Parmigiano Reggiano dairy cow feed
2032PDF: 1220HTML: 366 -
Bisphenol A in edible part of seafood
2657PDF: 1530HTML: 410 -
Characterisation of yeasts isolated from ‘Nduja of Spilinga
1774PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 843HTML: 361 -
Speck: a traditional culinary specialty from the Italian Alps. A microbiological, molecular and chemical evaluation
Qualitative characteristics of sheep’s and goat’s milk in Albania
579PDF: 131HTML: 162 -
Field catering in the operational and training activities of the Carabinieri Corps
613PDF: 103HTML: 9 -
New technologies to enhance quality and safety of table eggs: ultra-violet treatment and modified atmosphere packaging
1288PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 798HTML: 1 -
Risk analysis of critical control points of Staphylococcus aureus in layer farms and chicken egg distributors
Survey on animal welfare in nine hundred and forty three Italian dairy farms
2256PDF: 1016HTML: 489 -
Sample size planning and the statistical significance of official controls by sampling
631PDF: 242HTML: 27 -
Pilot project to set up a control programme on fishery products
1121PDF: 1495Figure 1: 0