Search Results
Found 113 items.
Introduction to Challenge Test and Microbiological Characterisation of Local Products
1167PDF: 826HTML: 133 -
Sheep milk yogurt from a short food supply chain: study of the microbiological, chemico-physical and organoleptic parameters in relation to shelf-life
1721PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1311HTML: 255 -
Retrospective study on the hygienic quality of fresh ricotta cheeses produced in Sicily, Italy
1847PDF: 590HTML: 101 -
Virus infections of honeybees Apis Mellifera
4338PDF: 2284HTML: 496 -
Aflatoxin B1 risk management in Parmigiano Reggiano dairy cow feed
2032PDF: 1220HTML: 366 -
Microbial characteristics of Conciato Romano: an artisanal cheese made from raw sheep’s milk
1386PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1422