Original Articles
The effect of nano-silver packaging in increasing the shelf life of nuts: An in vitro model
Published: 7 November 20171733PDF: 881HTML: 148 -
Microbiological, chemical-physical and sensory characteristics of Fabriano salami from pigs fed Oregano vulgaris extract
Published: 26 February 20181194PDF: 710HTML: 141 -
Evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in dairy food
Published: 14 December 20171458PDF: 612HTML: 221 -
Antimicrobial activity of four essential oils against pigmenting Pseudomonas fluorescens and biofilmproducing Staphylococcus aureus of dairy origin
Published: 11 December 20172445PDF: 1553HTML: 297 -
Heavy metal bioaccumulation in commercial Lethrinidae fish species in Mauritius
Published: 20 October 20171627PDF: 847HTML: 238 -
Preliminary study on the inactivation of anisakid larvae in baccalà prepared according to traditional methods
Published: 10 November 20171375PDF: 773HTML: 70 -
Food safety in food services in Lombardy: proposal for an inspection-scoring model
Published: 14 December 20171075PDF: 581HTML: 92 -
Prevalence and characterisation of shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from beef cattle fed with prebiotics
Published: 14 December 20171004PDF: 471HTML: 64 -
Analysis of a poultry slaughter process: Influence of process stages on the microbiological contamination of broiler carcasses
Published: 6 November 20172455PDF: 1096HTML: 140 -
The hygiene-sanitary control in the wild game meats
Published: 26 February 20181090PDF: 822HTML: 90 -
Indicators of protein spoilage in fresh and defrosted crustaceans and cephalopods stored in domestic condition
Published: 26 February 20181559PDF: 886HTML: 204
Short Communications
Official controls according to Integrated Regional Plan in Campania Region 2011/2014
Published: 16 February 2018909PDF: 683HTML: 60 -
Yessotoxin detection in bivalve molluscs: A case study from coastal mussel farms (Sardinia, Italy)
Published: 26 February 2018976PDF: 412HTML: 64