Search Results
Found 27 items.
Progressive or degressive compression pressure profile in patients with chronic venous disorders of the lower limb
Published: 18 March 20142043PDF: 959HTML: 532 -
Elastic or inelastic compression? Reported evidence from clinical trials
Published: 25 March 20131261PDF: 1392HTML: 379 -
Film compression bandage: a new modality to improve sclerotherapy of superficial varicosities
Published: 21 March 20171370PDF: 648HTML: 936 -
Pressure reconstruction by heterogeneous compression textiles
Published: 19 July 2018771PDF: 449HTML: 125 -
In vitro protocol for validating interface pressure sensors for therapeutic compression garments: Importance of sphygmomanometer placement and initial cuff diameter
Published: 20 February 20181409PDF: 470HTML: 261 -
Pending questions in venous ulcers management. Report from a Symposium of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies International Congress
Published: 12 November 2020491PDF: 333HTML: 23 -
Compression stockings after deep vein thrombosis: Where is the evidence?
Published: 19 July 2018771PDF: 1470HTML: 341 -
Elastic compression treatment of chronic superficial venous insufficiency of the lower limbs based on Doppler venous pressure index measurements
Published: 9 March 20151432PDF: 770HTML: 534 -
A new stocking compression system with a low well-defined resting pressure and a high working pressure
Published: 19 July 20181180PDF: 517HTML: 151 -
Elastic stockings effect on leg volume variability in healthy workers under prolonged gravitational gradient exposure
Published: 29 June 20151593PDF: 937HTML: 1050 -
Compression stockings with interface pressure fall and rise from the ankle to the mid calf
Published: 21 March 20171311PDF: 725HTML: 195 -
Control of lower extremity edema in patients with diabetes: double blind randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of mild compression diabetic socks
Published: 21 March 20171090PDF: 712HTML: 283 -
Development of a pressure-measuring device to optimize compression treatment of lymphedema and evaluation of change in garment pressure with simulated wear and tear
Published: 15 January 2019558PDF: 403HTML: 83 -
Are open-toe antithromboembolic compression stockings safe?
Published: 19 July 2018601PDF: 424HTML: 85 -
Increasing public venous awareness, graduated compression stockings compliance and scientific data collection through open events on golf courses: A feasibility study
Published: 20 September 2018878PDF: 416HTML: 110 -
Innovation in compression: smart bandage technology to improve bandage application and monitoring
Published: 21 March 20171662PDF: 1207HTML: 797 -
Assessment of lower limbs edema in healthy workers who are exposed to long-term gravity
Published: 19 September 20132060PDF: 1316HTML: 660 -
1 - 27 of 27 items