Autofluorescence and metabolic signatures in a pig model of differentiation based on induced pluripotent cells and embryonic bodies

Submitted: 16 January 2015
Accepted: 16 January 2015
Published: 30 September 2014
Abstract Views: 2064
PDF: 1031
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  • A.C. Croce IGM-CNR and Department of Biology and Biotechnology, University Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
  • G. Bottiroli IGM-CNR and Department of Biology and Biotechnology, University Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
  • G. Santin IGM-CNR and Department of Biology and Biotechnology, University Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
  • G. Pacchiana Humanitas Clinical and Research Center and IRGB/CNR, UOS of Milan, Rozzano (MI), Italy.
  • P. Vezzoni Humanitas Clinical and Research Center and IRGB/CNR, UOS of Milan, Rozzano (MI), Italy.
  • E. Di Pasquale Humanitas Clinical and Research Center and IRGB/CNR, UOS of Milan, Rozzano (MI), Italy.
Besides several genetic and molecular markers, stem cells undergoing differentiation show changes in their metabolic engagement, such as a switch from anaerobic to aerobic energetic metabolism and decreased autophagic activity, representing metabolic signatures of the stemness status. These activities involve biomolecules - respectively NAD(P)H and flavins, and lipofuscin-like lipopigments- that give rise to autofluorescence (AF) emission under suitable excitation light conditions. Since these endogenous fluorophores can be exploited as cell intrinsic biomarkers, attention is currently deserved to assess the potential of AF analysis to monitor the cell stemness status or maturation degree into a desired phenotype. In our work, we employed pig induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell as a model of differentiation to compare their AF properties in living conditions with those of embryoid bodies (EBs) derived from them, by means of imaging, microspectrofluorometric techniques and spectral fitting analysis. The AF results indicate that reprogramming of suine iPS cells do not lead to typical metabolic functions of the undifferentiated status. These findings support the value of AF analysis as a tool for a comprehensive assessment of the actual stem cells differentiation degree in the development of regenerative medicine strategies, and for application to animal species of interest in veterinary, zootechnology and, in general, to the species for which immunomarkers are not yet available.

Croce, A., Bottiroli, G., Santin, G., Pacchiana, G., Vezzoni, P., & Di Pasquale, E. (2014). Autofluorescence and metabolic signatures in a pig model of differentiation based on induced pluripotent cells and embryonic bodies. Microscopie, 21(1), 52–59.


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