Analysis of the effect of brown rice, tuna, cucumber, and pineapple treatment on proteinuria and albuminuria in Wistar Rats strain with chronic kidney disease

Submitted: September 27, 2023
Accepted: February 19, 2024
Published: March 7, 2024
Abstract Views: 740
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This study aims to determine how nutrition therapy with brown rice, tuna fish, pineapple, and cucumber affects proteinuria and albuminuria in male Wistar rats with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In this study, 16 male Wistar rats with CKD were divided into four groups. The result states that the third treatment, consisting of 341 g/kg BW (Body Weight)/day brown rice, 15 g/kg BW/day tuna fish, 2 g/kg BW/day pineapple, and 2 g/kg BW/day cucumber could reduce both proteinuria (p < 0.01) and albuminuria (p < 0.01) in rats. However, the first (250 g brown rice, 13 g/kg BW/day tuna fish, 1 g/kg BW/day pineapple, 1 g/kg BW/day cucumber) and second treatment (296 g/kg BW/day brown rice, 14 g/kg BW/day tuna fish, 1.5 g/kg BW/day pineapple, 1.5 g/kg BW/day cucumber) could not reduce the levels of proteinuria and albuminuria in rats. In conclusion, giving a balanced diet containing 341 g/kg BW/day of brown rice, 15 g/kg BW/day of tuna fish, 2 g/kg BW/day of pineapple, and 2 g/kg BW/day of cucumber for CKD can maintain body fluid and increase the re-absorption of proteins and albumin. Therefore, the third nutrition formula can be recommended to people with kidney disease after clinical tests on humans.



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How to Cite

Tasnim, T., & Saranani, S. (2024). Analysis of the effect of brown rice, tuna, cucumber, and pineapple treatment on proteinuria and albuminuria in Wistar Rats strain with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino Della Società Italiana Di Biologia Sperimentale, 97(1).