Booklet preventing stunting based Android application (Bocesting) as a tool to enhance maternal nutritional behaviour and nutritional status

Submitted: 14 October 2023
Accepted: 17 November 2023
Published: 30 November 2023
Abstract Views: 501
PDF: 208
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The most common health problem was the lack of nutrition, known as stunting. One approach to addressing nutritional issues in young children was through health education using the android method. The study aimed to analyze the differences in the influence of stunting prevention education using booklet media and an Android-based application on maternal nutritional behavior and nutritional status, with the ultimate goal of preventing stunting cases. The research design employed a quantitative approach, specifically a Quasi-Experiment. Measurement tools included questionnaires assessing maternal nutrition behavior, with the samples divided into three intervention groups and one control group (n=51). Data analysis involved statistical tests, including Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney U, and Kruskall Wallis H. The results indicated that educational media using booklets significantly improved maternal nutrition behavior after the intervention (p<0.05). However, there was no significant increase in the nutritional status of children (p=0.317). Similarly, the Android application intervention group exhibited a significant improvement in maternal nutrition behavior (p<0.05), while the nutritional status of the children did not significantly change (p=0.193). A significant difference was observed in the impact of the media interventions between the booklet and Android application intervention groups and the control group regarding the enhancement of maternal nutritional behavior (p<0.05) and children's nutritional status (p>0.005). In conclusion, educational media in the form of booklets and Android applications can influence maternal nutrition behavior and children's nutritional status in the context of stunting prevention education.



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How to Cite

Mukodri, D. M. L., Safitri, T., Ridayani, R., Elba, F., & Siregar, N. S. A. (2023). Booklet preventing stunting based Android application (<i>Bocesting</i>) as a tool to enhance maternal nutritional behaviour and nutritional status. Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings, 12(1).