The effects of exclusive breastfeeding booklets on mothers’ knowledge in providing exclusive breastfeeding in Mataram City, Indonesia

Published: 9 February 2023
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Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding is the simplest and healthiest infant feeding method that, directly or by extraction, uses only breast milk with the exception to drops or syrups containing vitamins, mineral supplements or medicines. This practice helpprevents malnutrition among toddlers and provide essential dietary values for subsequent growth and development, especially in the first 6 months. However, Mataram has the lowest coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in West Nusa Tenggara province in 2018. This exposure increased by 70.30% from 2017-2018, but has not achieved the 80% national target. The low coverage was caused by mothers’ inadequate knowledge. Therefore, the present research aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of booklets as a promotional medium for exclusive breastfeeding towards increasing the knowledge of breastfeeding mothers.

Design and Methods: The research method involved the conduction of pre- and post tests (before and after the booklet was distributed) on 50 respondents by voluntary sampling. This sampling refers to a probability technique that provides equal opportunities for each population element selected as a member of the sample, while the participants were chosen using consecutive sampling technique

Results: The results showed the average values of the pre- and post- tests at 72 and 77, respectively.

Conclusions: Therefore, it is concluded that the booklet is effective in increasing mothers' knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding.




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How to Cite

Katmawanti, S., Paramita, F., Kurniawan, A., Sharoni, S. K. A., Fauzi, R., Pratiwi, I. G., Samah, D. A., Audina, Y. T., Wahyuni, O. S., Adisa, M. D., & Rahmani, A. (2023). The effects of exclusive breastfeeding booklets on mothers’ knowledge in providing exclusive breastfeeding in Mataram City, Indonesia. Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings, 11(s1).

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