Experimental study on stabilometric complex for terrainkur in overweight people

Submitted: 30 May 2023
Accepted: 5 July 2023
Published: 8 August 2023
Abstract Views: 901
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Overweight and obesity is a multifactorial, multisystem disease declared a global epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) as early as in 1997. At least 30% of the working-age population in Russia is overweight. Only the use of physical activity as an integral (basic) part of obesity treatment and maintenance of the body weight achieved in the course of treatment can achieve durable and long-lasting treatment results as well as significant changes in the body structure (fat/non-fat body weight ratio). Terrainkur (therapeutic walking) is a method of spa treatment that combines climatotherapy and physical therapy. One of the problems in physical activity in obese people is the difficulty they experience in exercising due to the impaired walking pattern caused by imbalances in the muscle chains, including pelvic region, cervical region, which reduces endurance and commitment to physical activity. The study found that the exposure group (Terrainkur) showed lower values of "total fat", "metabolic age", "basic caloric value" compared to initial results and the control group; the exposure group (Terrainkur) showed a decrease in the deviation of the centre of body axis projection from the proper axis, the percentage of non-compliance with the proper fluctuations of the foot underextension. These changes contributed to the elimination of terrainkur restrictions and, as a result, improved the patient compliance during the terrainkur exercises.



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How to Cite

Fesyun, A. D., Grishechkina, I. A., Lobanov, A. A., Andronov, S. V., Popov, A. I., Eremushkin, M. A., Terentev, K. V., Bogdanov, R. R., Sanina, N. P., & Reverchuk, I. V. (2023). Experimental study on stabilometric complex for terrainkur in overweight people. European Journal of Translational Myology, 33(3). https://doi.org/10.4081/ejtm.2023.11495