Risk factors and prevention of choking

Submitted: 15 May 2023
Accepted: 25 September 2023
Published: 27 October 2023
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Choking (or foreign body airway obstruction) is a widespread phenomenon with serious consequences of morbidity and mortality. Choking (often also called suffocation) can be caused by food or inedible objects and leads to various degrees of asphyxiation or lack of oxygen in the blood stream. The incidence is very high in both young children and adults, especially seniors. However, since not all choking episodes end up in the emergency room or become fatalities, they often escape statistics. Although episodes of choking from non-edible bodies are infrequent, they affect mostly young children. Three of the most common risks for choking in general are neurological disorders, dysphagia and dental issues (few or no teeth, unstable or unsuitable prosthesis or orthodontic appliances).  The purpose of this study was to evaluate the risk factors of choking and ways to reduce/avoid this event. We reported data on a series of 138 patients admitted to the emergency department following a choking event, at a hospital in Rome, Italy. The age group of the analyzed population ranged from 1 to 88 years, with the most represented age group of these between 40 and 59, with a similar distribution between males and females. The types of foods on which people choked reflected the seasonal, traditional and local foods: 67% of patients reported choking on fish bones followed by meat bones (9%)  and artichokes (3%). Three relevant non-food choking elements reported were: orthodontic items, toothpicks and pins (one occurrence each). We also reported on two clinical cases of patients choking on meat and a chicken bone. In conclusion, choking awareness and prevention are essential for implementing potential life-saving precautions. Prevention is the first tool to reduce the occurrence of this event, therefore it is necessary to analyze the risk factors and educate the population to eliminate them. Proper chewing and oral manipulation are paramount functions in preventing choking, along with meal-time supervision if little children and elderly. Then, it behooves the healthcare professionals to disseminate knowledge



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How to Cite

Saccomanno, S., Saran, S., Coceani Paskay , L., De Luca, M., Tricerri, A., Mafucci Orlandini, S., Greco, F., & Messina, G. (2023). Risk factors and prevention of choking. European Journal of Translational Myology, 33(4). https://doi.org/10.4081/ejtm.2023.11471