Spreadsheet notes

The file “data_allfruits.xlsx” contains all raw values for L. monocytogenes counts and TVC. The file “data_allfruits.gp.xlsx” contains the growth potential values for L. monocytogenes at each time point. LM represents the CFU counts for Listeria monocytogenes, PC represents the total viable count on plate count agar.

## Loading required package: lme4
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Attaching package: 'lmerTest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:lme4':
##     lmer
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     step
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## The 'lsmeans' package is being deprecated.
## Users are encouraged to switch to 'emmeans'.
## See help('transition') for more information, including how
## to convert 'lsmeans' objects and scripts to work with 'emmeans'.
## Attaching package: 'tidyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Matrix':
##     expand
## Attaching package: 'reshape2'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     smiths
## Loading required package: carData
## Attaching package: 'car'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     recode
## lattice theme set by effectsTheme()
## See ?effectsTheme for details.
## Attaching package: 'MASS'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select

data.1 <- read_excel("./data/data_allfruits.gp.xlsx")
data.2 <- read_excel("./data/data_allfruits.xlsx")
#add log of CFU
data.2$logLM <- log10(data.2$LM)
data.2$logPC <- log10(data.2$PC)
#exclude negative control values. They are contamination controls. They
#can not provide any meaningful data to the response variable "logLM" because they
#have no logLM. 
data.2 = data.2[!data.2$strain == "negative control",]
#Join salad and rep to make a factor unique for each salad/rep combo
data.2$salad_rep <- paste(data.2$product,data.2$replicate,data.2$temp)

#Print the data
data.1 %>%
  kable("html") %>%
fruit temp. t pH gp rep
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 8 C 0 4.2 0.0000000 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 8 C 3 4.2 0.1361109 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 8 C 4 4.2 0.3979400 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 8 C 5 4.2 0.5199344 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 8 C 6 4.2 0.9156791 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 12 C 0 4.2 0.0000000 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 12 C 3 4.2 0.1463301 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 12 C 4 4.2 0.9503122 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 12 C 5 4.2 1.0274094 1-3
Fruit mix 2 4 C - 12 C 6 4.2 1.0659853 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 8 C 0 3.4 0.0000000 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 8 C 3 3.4 0.0579919 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 8 C 4 3.4 0.1103567 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 8 C 5 3.4 0.1390114 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 8 C 6 3.4 0.1017989 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 12 C 0 3.4 0.0000000 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 12 C 3 3.4 0.1017989 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 12 C 4 3.4 0.0941700 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 12 C 5 3.4 0.0403983 1-3
Fruit mix 1 4 C - 12 C 6 3.4 0.1788141 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 8 C 0 5.6 0.0000000 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 8 C 3 5.6 1.2317420 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 8 C 4 5.6 2.0373714 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 8 C 5 5.6 2.6455012 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 8 C 6 5.6 2.5555032 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 12 C 0 5.6 0.0000000 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 12 C 3 5.6 1.2936480 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 12 C 4 5.6 2.7296855 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 12 C 5 5.6 2.7936154 1-3
Cantaloupe 4 C - 12 C 6 5.6 2.6041086 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 8 C 0 3.9 0.0000000 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 8 C 3 3.9 0.1930224 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 8 C 4 3.9 0.1482101 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 8 C 5 3.9 0.1537105 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 8 C 6 3.9 0.1575501 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 12 C 0 3.9 0.0000000 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 12 C 3 3.9 0.1189484 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 12 C 4 3.9 0.2085591 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 12 C 5 3.9 0.4585801 1-3
Fruit mix 3 4 C - 12 C 6 3.9 0.4154307 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 8 C 0 6.4 0.0000000 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 8 C 3 6.4 1.2552725 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 8 C 4 6.4 3.0010763 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 8 C 5 6.4 3.0381476 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 8 C 6 6.4 3.6251439 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 12 C 0 6.4 0.0000000 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 12 C 3 6.4 1.3881802 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 12 C 4 6.4 2.6892102 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 12 C 5 6.4 4.1926546 1-3
Coconut 4 C - 12 C 6 6.4 4.7978155 1-3
Mango 4 C - 8 C 0 3.6 0.0000000 1-3
Mango 4 C - 8 C 3 3.6 0.1432423 1-3
Mango 4 C - 8 C 4 3.6 0.1114920 1-3
Mango 4 C - 8 C 5 3.6 0.0000000 1-3
Mango 4 C - 8 C 6 3.6 0.1327769 1-3
Mango 4 C - 12 C 0 3.6 0.0000000 1-3
Mango 4 C - 12 C 3 3.6 0.0775003 1-3
Mango 4 C - 12 C 4 3.6 0.0947863 1-3
Mango 4 C - 12 C 5 3.6 0.0113548 1-3
Mango 4 C - 12 C 6 3.6 0.0251430 1-3
data.2 %>%
  kable("html") %>%
product temp t pH.average LM replicate strain PC logLM logPC salad_rep
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 0 3.4 7350 1 pool 10750 3.866287 4.031409 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 0 3.4 7350 1 pool 10750 3.866287 4.031409 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 0 3.4 7950 2 pool 15250 3.900367 4.183270 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 0 3.4 7950 2 pool 15250 3.900367 4.183270 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 0 3.4 8350 3 pool 13000 3.921686 4.113943 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 0 3.4 8350 3 pool 13000 3.921686 4.113943 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 3 3.4 8400 1 pool 10250 3.924279 4.010724 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 3 3.4 7175 1 pool 11250 3.855822 4.051152 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 3 3.4 8775 2 pool 11750 3.943247 4.070038 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 3 3.4 10050 2 pool 11000 4.002166 4.041393 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 3 3.4 7050 3 pool 17000 3.848189 4.230449 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 3 3.4 8825 3 pool 14000 3.945715 4.146128 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 4 3.4 7600 1 pool 10750 3.880814 4.031409 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 4 3.4 7775 1 pool 25000 3.890700 4.397940 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 4 3.4 10250 2 pool 42750 4.010724 4.630936 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 4 3.4 9875 2 pool 44750 3.994537 4.650793 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 4 3.4 8825 3 pool 75750 3.945715 4.879383 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 4 3.4 9600 3 pool 352500 3.982271 5.547159 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 5 3.4 7025 1 pool 13250 3.846646 4.122216 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 5 3.4 7025 1 pool 60500 3.846646 4.781755 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 5 3.4 8025 2 pool 542500 3.904445 5.734400 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 5 3.4 8725 2 pool 1057500 3.940765 6.024280 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 5 3.4 11500 3 pool 422500 4.060698 5.625827 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 5 3.4 8000 3 pool 9825000 3.903090 6.992333 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 6 3.4 7775 1 pool 52500 3.890700 4.720159 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 6 3.4 8375 1 pool 622500 3.922985 5.794139 Fruit mix 1 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 6 3.4 10050 2 pool 645000 4.002166 5.809560 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 6 3.4 12000 2 pool 7275000 4.079181 6.861833 Fruit mix 1 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 8C 6 3.4 6650 3 pool 2075000 3.822822 6.317018 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 1 4C + 12C 6 3.4 7500 3 pool 15750000 3.875061 7.197281 Fruit mix 1 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 0 3.9 9125 1 pool 19500 3.960233 4.290035 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 0 3.9 9125 1 pool 19500 3.960233 4.290035 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 0 3.8 8325 2 pool 10250 3.920384 4.010724 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 0 3.8 8325 2 pool 10250 3.920384 4.010724 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 0 4.1 8175 3 pool 17000 3.912488 4.230449 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 0 4.1 8175 3 pool 17000 3.912488 4.230449 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 3 3.9 11000 1 pool 34500 4.041393 4.537819 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 3 3.9 12000 1 pool 24250 4.079181 4.384712 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 3 3.8 7500 2 pool 11750 3.875061 4.070038 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 3 3.8 9475 2 pool 13750 3.976579 4.138303 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 3 4.1 12750 3 pool 15500 4.105510 4.190332 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 3 4.1 9075 3 pool 15000 3.957847 4.176091 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 4 3.9 12500 1 pool 52750 4.096910 4.722222 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 4 3.9 14750 1 pool 545000 4.168792 5.736396 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 4 3.8 6875 2 pool 14000 3.837273 4.146128 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 4 3.8 7150 2 pool 18750 3.854306 4.273001 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 4 4.1 11500 3 pool 27000 4.060698 4.431364 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 4 4.1 10000 3 pool 352500 4.000000 5.547159 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 5 3.9 13000 1 pool 102500 4.113943 5.010724 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 5 3.9 10750 1 pool 2300000 4.031409 6.361728 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 5 3.8 6800 2 pool 15750 3.832509 4.197281 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 5 3.8 7200 2 pool 74500 3.857333 4.872156 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 5 4.1 10250 3 pool 120000 4.010724 5.079181 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 5 4.1 23500 3 pool 1250000 4.371068 6.096910 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 6 3.9 10250 1 pool 155000 4.010724 5.190332 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 6 3.9 23750 1 pool 22000000 4.375664 7.342423 Fruit mix 3 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 6 3.8 8275 2 pool 19250 3.917768 4.284431 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 6 3.8 2500 2 pool 590000 3.397940 5.770852 Fruit mix 3 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 8C 6 4.1 11750 3 pool 377500 4.070038 5.576917 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 3 4C + 12C 6 4.1 14500 3 pool 5800000 4.161368 6.763428 Fruit mix 3 3 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 0 6.4 9525 1 pool 12250 3.978865 4.088136 Coconut 1 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 0 6.4 9525 1 pool 12250 3.978865 4.088136 Coconut 1 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 0 6.4 10075 2 pool 12500 4.003245 4.096910 Coconut 2 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 0 6.4 10075 2 pool 12500 4.003245 4.096910 Coconut 2 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 0 6.4 11250 3 pool 17250 4.051152 4.236789 Coconut 3 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 0 6.4 11250 3 pool 17250 4.051152 4.236789 Coconut 3 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 3 6.4 91250 1 pool 455000 4.960233 5.658011 Coconut 1 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 3 6.4 122500 1 pool 877500 5.088136 5.943247 Coconut 1 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 3 6.4 70250 2 pool 52250 4.846646 4.718086 Coconut 2 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 3 6.4 93750 2 pool 80500 4.971971 4.905796 Coconut 2 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 3 6.4 202500 3 pool 330000 5.306425 5.518514 Coconut 3 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 3 6.4 275000 3 pool 500000 5.439333 5.698970 Coconut 3 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 4 6.4 945000 1 pool 19500000 5.975432 7.290035 Coconut 1 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 4 6.4 4275000 1 pool 94250000 6.630936 7.974281 Coconut 1 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 4 6.4 10100000 2 pool 3600000 7.004321 6.556303 Coconut 2 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 4 6.4 882500 2 pool 24700000 5.945715 7.392697 Coconut 2 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 4 6.4 1150000 3 pool 53000000 6.060698 7.724276 Coconut 3 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 4 6.4 5500000 3 pool 111500000 6.740363 8.047275 Coconut 3 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 5 6.4 2800000 1 pool 227500000 6.447158 8.356981 Coconut 1 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 5 6.4 2175000 1 pool 127500000 6.337459 8.105510 Coconut 1 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 5 6.4 11000000 2 pool 470000000 7.041393 8.672098 Coconut 2 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 5 6.4 157000000 2 pool 570000000 8.195900 8.755875 Coconut 2 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 5 6.4 6325000 3 pool 255000000 6.801061 8.406540 Coconut 3 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 5 6.4 58500000 3 pool 1007500000 7.767156 9.003245 Coconut 3 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 6 6.4 9075000 1 pool 170000000 6.957847 8.230449 Coconut 1 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 6 6.4 63500000 1 pool 185000000 7.802774 8.267172 Coconut 1 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 6 6.4 42500000 2 pool 762500000 7.628389 8.882240 Coconut 2 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 6 6.4 632500000 2 pool 1775000000 8.801061 9.249198 Coconut 2 4C + 12C
Coconut 4C + 8C 6 6.4 23500000 3 pool 535000000 7.371068 8.728354 Coconut 3 4C + 8C
Coconut 4C + 12C 6 6.4 220000000 3 pool 687500000 8.342423 8.837273 Coconut 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 0 4.2 8075 1 pool 11500 3.907142 4.060698 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 0 4.2 8075 1 pool 11500 3.907142 4.060698 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 0 3.9 7400 2 pool 11250 3.869232 4.051152 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 0 3.9 7400 2 pool 11250 3.869232 4.051152 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 0 3.8 7675 3 pool 9350 3.885078 3.970812 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 0 3.8 7675 3 pool 9350 3.885078 3.970812 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 3 4.2 5325 1 pool 8000 3.726320 3.903090 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 3 4.2 5425 1 pool 12000 3.734400 4.079181 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 3 3.9 8025 2 pool 17250 3.904445 4.236789 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 3 3.9 8900 2 pool 172500 3.949390 5.236789 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 3 3.8 10500 3 pool 11250 4.021189 4.051152 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 3 3.8 10750 3 pool 21500 4.031409 4.332439 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 4 4.2 8825 1 pool 25250 3.945715 4.402261 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 4 4.2 26250 1 pool 91500 4.419129 4.961421 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 4 3.9 18500 2 pool 810000 4.267172 5.908485 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 4 3.9 66000 2 pool 4330000 4.819544 6.636488 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 4 3.8 14750 3 pool 270000 4.168792 5.431364 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 4 3.8 14500 3 pool 525000 4.161368 5.720159 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 5 4.2 6325 1 pool 26250 3.801061 4.419129 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 5 4.2 52000 1 pool 200000 4.716003 5.301030 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 5 3.9 24500 2 pool 1350000 4.389166 6.130334 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 5 3.9 76750 2 pool 3975000 4.885078 6.599337 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 5 3.8 15750 3 pool 4125000 4.197281 6.615424 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 5 3.8 81750 3 pool 4525000 4.912488 6.655619 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 6 4.2 66500 1 pool 792500 4.822822 5.898999 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 6 4.2 94000 1 pool 4425000 4.973128 6.645913 Fruit mix 2 1 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 6 3.9 11750 2 pool 1075000 4.070038 6.031409 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 6 3.9 43500 2 pool 2300000 4.638489 6.361728 Fruit mix 2 2 4C + 12C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 8C 6 3.8 14750 3 pool 2950000 4.168792 6.469822 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 8C
Fruit mix 2 4C + 12C 6 3.8 34250 3 pool 2575000 4.534661 6.410777 Fruit mix 2 3 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 0 3.6 7550 1 pool 8200 3.877947 3.913814 Mango 1 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 0 3.6 7550 1 pool 8200 3.877947 3.913814 Mango 1 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 0 3.8 8625 2 pool 10500 3.935759 4.021189 Mango 2 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 0 3.8 8625 2 pool 10500 3.935759 4.021189 Mango 2 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 0 4.3 10250 3 pool 11500 4.010724 4.060698 Mango 3 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 0 4.3 10250 3 pool 11500 4.010724 4.060698 Mango 3 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 3 3.6 10500 1 pool 16500 4.021189 4.217484 Mango 1 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 3 3.6 9025 1 pool 11000 3.955447 4.041393 Mango 1 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 3 3.8 7575 2 pool 12250 3.879383 4.088136 Mango 2 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 3 3.8 8950 2 pool 14250 3.951823 4.153815 Mango 2 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 3 4.3 12250 3 pool 11500 4.088136 4.060698 Mango 3 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 3 4.3 11500 3 pool 13000 4.060698 4.113943 Mango 3 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 4 3.6 9250 1 pool 14250 3.966142 4.153815 Mango 1 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 4 3.6 9350 1 pool 945000 3.970812 5.975432 Mango 1 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 4 3.8 10250 2 pool 15750 4.010724 4.197281 Mango 2 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 4 3.8 8100 2 pool 192500 3.908485 5.284431 Mango 2 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 4 4.3 13250 3 pool 17000 4.122216 4.230449 Mango 3 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 4 4.3 12750 3 pool 260000 4.105510 5.414973 Mango 3 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 5 3.6 7200 1 pool 127500 3.857333 5.105510 Mango 1 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 5 3.6 7750 1 pool 43300000 3.889302 7.636488 Mango 1 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 5 3.8 6725 2 pool 960000 3.827692 5.982271 Mango 2 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 5 3.8 7425 2 pool 222500 3.870697 5.347330 Mango 2 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 5 4.3 10250 3 pool 102500 4.010724 5.010724 Mango 3 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 5 4.3 8750 3 pool 2325000 3.942008 6.366423 Mango 3 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 6 3.6 10250 1 pool 450000 4.010724 5.653213 Mango 1 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 6 3.6 8000 1 pool 98750000 3.903090 7.994537 Mango 1 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 6 3.8 7000 2 pool 1050000 3.845098 6.021189 Mango 2 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 6 3.8 7625 2 pool 2675000 3.882240 6.427324 Mango 2 4C + 12C
Mango 4C + 8C 6 4.3 11250 3 pool 300000 4.051152 5.477121 Mango 3 4C + 8C
Mango 4C + 12C 6 4.3 9000 3 pool 2175000 3.954242 6.337459 Mango 3 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 0 5.6 10850 1 pool 17750 4.035430 4.249198 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 0 5.6 10850 1 pool 17750 4.035430 4.249198 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 0 5.7 8900 2 pool 11500 3.949390 4.060698 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 0 5.7 8900 2 pool 11500 3.949390 4.060698 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 0 6.4 10575 3 pool 24500 4.024280 4.389166 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 0 6.4 10575 3 pool 24500 4.024280 4.389166 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 3 5.6 185000 1 pool 350000 5.267172 5.544068 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 3 5.6 172500 1 pool 775000 5.236789 5.889302 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 3 5.7 102500 2 pool 122500 5.010724 5.088136 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 3 5.7 175000 2 pool 660000 5.243038 5.819544 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 3 6.4 150000 3 pool 475000 5.176091 5.676694 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 3 6.4 190000 3 pool 477500 5.278754 5.678973 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 4 5.6 1182500 1 pool 3775000 6.072801 6.576917 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 4 5.6 4102500 1 pool 74000000 6.613049 7.869232 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 4 5.7 665000 2 pool 2350000 5.822822 6.371068 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 4 5.7 375000 2 pool 2625000 5.574031 6.419129 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 4 6.4 967500 3 pool 5800000 5.985651 6.763428 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 4 6.4 5675000 3 pool 156750000 6.753966 8.195208 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 5 5.6 2875000 1 pool 20250000 6.458638 7.306425 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 5 5.6 2650000 1 pool 180000000 6.423246 8.255273 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 5 5.7 1025000 2 pool 2100000 6.010724 6.322219 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 5 5.7 1625000 2 pool 31000000 6.210853 7.491362 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 5 6.4 4675000 3 pool 36500000 6.669782 7.562293 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 5 6.4 6575000 3 pool 750000000 6.817896 8.875061 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 6 5.6 1525000 1 pool 28500000 6.183270 7.454845 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 6 5.6 2275000 1 pool 635000000 6.356981 8.802774 Cantaloupe 1 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 6 5.7 270000 2 pool 420000 5.431364 5.623249 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 6 5.7 1300000 2 pool 950000 6.113943 5.977724 Cantaloupe 2 4C + 12C
Cantaloupe 4C + 8C 6 6.4 3800000 3 pool 157500000 6.579784 8.197281 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 8C
Cantaloupe 4C + 12C 6 6.4 4250000 3 pool 765000000 6.628389 8.883661 Cantaloupe 3 4C + 12C


Make a Listeria model

model the effect of salad, temperature and pH on the change in logLM over time

#make a model
m_gp <- lm(gp ~ pH + fruit+temp.+ t,data=data.1)

# Check normality of the residuals


# Check constant variance of the residuals

# Model summary with effect estimates
## Call:
## lm(formula = gp ~ pH + fruit + temp. + t, data = data.1)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.59749 -0.35618 -0.02739  0.32525  1.73445 
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)      -3.85471    0.71356  -5.402 1.66e-06 ***
## pH                0.86474    0.14716   5.876 3.02e-07 ***
## fruitCoconut     -0.08216    0.36760  -0.224    0.824    
## fruitFruit mix 1  0.19575    0.31008   0.631    0.531    
## fruitFruit mix 2 -0.06251    0.26159  -0.239    0.812    
## fruitFruit mix 3 -0.13365    0.27491  -0.486    0.629    
## fruitMango             NA         NA      NA       NA    
## temp.4 C - 8 C   -0.15653    0.16992  -0.921    0.361    
## t                 0.24431    0.04126   5.921 2.56e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6581 on 52 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7456, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7114 
## F-statistic: 21.78 on 7 and 52 DF,  p-value: 2.103e-13
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: gp
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)    
## pH         1 49.913  49.913 115.2435 8.476e-15 ***
## fruit      4  0.556   0.139   0.3210    0.8626    
## temp.      1  0.368   0.368   0.8486    0.3612    
## t          1 15.185  15.185  35.0603 2.564e-07 ***
## Residuals 52 22.522   0.433                       
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

This looks reasonable, and fits the data better than linear mixed effects models that we tried.

model the total viable counts

m_PC <- lmer(logPC ~ factor(t)+pH.average+product+temp+
            (1|salad_rep), data=data.2)

m_PC <- lm(logPC ~ factor(t)+pH.average+product+temp, data=data.2)
# Check normality of the residuals


# Check constant variance of the residuals

# Model summary with effect estimates
## Call:
## lm(formula = logPC ~ factor(t) + pH.average + product + temp, 
##     data = data.2)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.88708 -0.40608  0.06774  0.47427  1.50460 
## Coefficients:
##                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)          4.2627     1.5547   2.742  0.00677 ** 
## factor(t)3           0.5162     0.1716   3.009  0.00303 ** 
## factor(t)4           1.6214     0.1716   9.451  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(t)5           2.3629     0.1716  13.772  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(t)6           2.6771     0.1716  15.604  < 2e-16 ***
## pH.average           0.1623     0.2617   0.620  0.53609    
## productCoconut       0.3763     0.2290   1.643  0.10221    
## productFruit mix 1  -1.0848     0.6808  -1.593  0.11294    
## productFruit mix 2  -0.8675     0.5398  -1.607  0.10993    
## productFruit mix 3  -1.2168     0.5480  -2.220  0.02772 *  
## productMango        -1.0341     0.5562  -1.859  0.06476 .  
## temp4C + 8C         -0.5086     0.1085  -4.688 5.69e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7279 on 168 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7795, Adjusted R-squared:  0.765 
## F-statistic: 53.98 on 11 and 168 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: logPC
##             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)    
## factor(t)    4 192.305  48.076  90.7415 < 2.2e-16 ***
## pH.average   1 105.524 105.524 199.1702 < 2.2e-16 ***
## product      5   5.119   1.024   1.9323   0.09149 .  
## temp         1  11.642  11.642  21.9744 5.687e-06 ***
## Residuals  168  89.009   0.530                       
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Plot the data

#make a title which is partially in italics because I don't know how to do this in ggtitle
LM_title <- expression(paste("Model for ", italic("Listeria monocytogenes"), " on fruit products"))
LM_title2 <- expression(paste("CFU count of ", italic("Listeria monocytogenes"), " on fruit products"))

#calculate means, SD, SE of the data.
data.2 %>%
  group_by(product,temp,t) %>%
            lmean = mean(logLM),
            lsd   = sd(logLM),
            lse   = sd(logLM) / sqrt(length(logLM)),
            lmeanPC = mean(logPC),
            lsdPC   = sd(logPC),
            lsePC   = sd(logPC) / sqrt(length(logPC))) %>%
         mean_plus_sd = 10^(lmean + lsd),
         mean_minus_sd = 10^(lmean - lsd),
         meanPC = 10^(lmeanPC),
         meanPC_plus_sd = 10^(lmeanPC + lsdPC),
         meanPC_minus_sd = 10^(lmeanPC - lsdPC)) -> cdata
## Warning: package 'bindrcpp' was built under R version 3.4.4
#do the Listeria CFU/g plot: 
ggplot(cdata, aes(x=t, y=mean, color = product))+
  labs(title = LM_title2,
       subtitle="Starting concentration: 10^4 CFU/g",
       caption="Ribbon: SD",
       x="Time (days)",
       y="mean log CFU/g",
       fill="product") +
  geom_point() +
  geom_text(aes(label= round(log10(mean), digits = 1), vjust=-0.6)) +
  geom_ribbon(group=1, aes(ymin=mean_minus_sd,
                           linetype=NA), alpha=0.2) +
  geom_line(group=1) +
  scale_y_log10(limits=c(2000, 5000000000))+
  #ylim(1, 11000000)+

#plot total viable count CFU/g 
ggplot(cdata, aes(x=t, y=meanPC, color = product))+
  labs(title= "Mean CFU for the TVC (total viable count) in the inoculated samples",
       caption="Ribbon: SD",
       x="Time (days)",
       y="mean log CFU/g",
       fill="product") +
  geom_point() +
  geom_text(aes(label= round(log10(meanPC), digits = 1), vjust=-0.6)) +
  geom_ribbon(group=1, aes(ymin=meanPC_minus_sd,
                           linetype=NA), alpha=0.2) +
  geom_line(group=1) +
  scale_y_log10(limits=c(1, 100000000000))+

