Improving cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills for layperson in cases of heart attack: a scoping review

Published: 9 September 2024
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The proficiency of trained individuals in effectively administering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is paramount in mitigating the impact of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidents. Inadequate CPR skills among laypersons can result in missed opportunities to save lives. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize unified efforts to enhance CPR competencies within the general populace. This scoping review aims to consolidate literature discussing the enhancement of laypeople's CPR skills using various methodologies. This scoping review employed the PRISMA methodology and encompassed an extensive search across four critical databases (Science Direct, Proquest, Pubmed, and Google Scholar) for literature published between 2013 and 2023. The search utilized the keywords "CPR Teaching," "Skill," and "Layperson." Out of 487 collected articles, 20 were deemed relevant. The findings of all relevant articles consistently indicated an improvement in laypeople's CPR skills following training. Incorporating concise CPR instructional videos and smartphone applications has shown potential for enhancing CPR knowledge and improving emergency responsiveness. Nonetheless, integrating these modern technological approaches with traditional simulation methods has demonstrated greater efficacy in CPR training, resulting in enhanced compression quality and depth. In conclusion, Integrating traditional and technology-based learning methodologies improves the capability of individuals without specialized medical training to administer CPR effectively.



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How to Cite

Zulhan, M. I., Kumboyono, K., & Lestari, R. (2024). Improving cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills for layperson in cases of heart attack: a scoping review. Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings, 12(s1).