Triage and operative models
Published: 18 September 2010839PDF: 1682
Clinics and Therapy
From syncope to ICD: clinical paths of the Brugada syndrome
Published: 18 September 2010908PDF: 3282 -
Hypophosphatemia. From retrospective analysis to the analysis of the potential role of phosphatemia in panic disorders
Published: 18 September 20102203PDF: 1851
Case Reports
Acute glyco-metabolic decompensation during septic shock
Published: 18 September 20101806PDF: 9898 -
Case report: emergency treatment of near-fatal acute asthma
Published: 18 September 20101355PDF: 1328
Organization and Education
The exclusion of acute venous thrombosis in ER: experience in Udine
Published: 18 September 2010967PDF: 2186
Forensic pathology
Medical students' penal responsibilities
Published: 18 September 2010693PDF: 1358