Original Articles
Physician’s changes in management of return visits to the Emergency Department
Published: 20 June 20161522PDF: 1352
Case Reports
Cerebral sinus venous thrombosis in traumatic brain injury
Published: 14 April 20161484PDF: 693 -
An alien in the gallbladder. A rare case of biliary ascariasis in an Italian emergency department
Published: 14 April 20161399PDF: 1025
Letters to the Editor
Electrical cardioversion performed by emergency physicians in the emergency department
Published: 17 June 2016968PDF: 537
Images in Emergency
Using Mount Fuji for diagnosis of tension pneumocephalus
Published: 27 May 2016948PDF: 498 -
Imaging of a rare case of Bochdalek hernia in an adult female
Published: 27 May 20161017PDF: 557
Opinion Reports
Defensive medicine in the emergency department. The clinicians’ perspective
Published: 27 May 20161973PDF: 782 -
The risks of defensive (emergency) medicine. The laboratory perspective
Published: 27 May 20161434PDF: 665