Evaluation of satisfaction levels of expatriate patients presenting to emergency department


People who emigrated from Turkey to European countries for work are called expatriate. It was aimed to analyze demographic characteristics of expatriate patients who presented to the emergency department, to compare satisfaction levels of emergency departments between their country of residence and Turkey, and to identify the factors that affect patient satisfaction. This descriptive study was conducted with questionnaires filled by face-to-face interviews in 150 expatriate patients who were living abroad, came to Turkey for vacation/annual permit and applied to the emergency department with any complaint. We found a statistically significant difference when we evaluated expatriate patients’ monthly average number of emergency department applies and their views on priority to apply to emergency departments for health problems, the cleanliness of emergency departments, attitude of doctors, security and receptionist/nursing staff towards patients in Turkey and in their country of residence. It has been found that expatriates prefer the emergency department more in our country and they are more satisfied in their country of residence in terms of the cleanliness of emergency department, attitude of doctors, security and receptionist/ nursing staff.



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How to Cite

Ersoy, S., Konar, N. M. ., Çalışkan, H. M. ., Sönmez, B. M. ., & Çelik, B. (2021). Evaluation of satisfaction levels of expatriate patients presenting to emergency department. Emergency Care Journal, 17(3). https://doi.org/10.4081/ecj.2021.9812