Maccarone, M.C., Caregnato, A., Regazzo, G., Carriero, A., Casellato, G., Finamoni, C., Jirillo, R., Laskova, O., Marigo, E., Sánchez, D.Y., Seno, I., Venturin, C., Veronese, H., Ravara, B., Giurati, W., Carraro, U. and Masiero, S. 2023. Effects of the Full-Body in-Bed Gym program on quality of life, pain and risk of sarcopenia in elderly sedentary individuals: preliminary positive results of a Padua prospective observational study. European Journal of Translational Myology. 33, 3 (Sep. 2023). DOI:https://doi.org/10.4081/ejtm.2023.11780.