The role of body composition on cardio-respiratory fitness in futsal competitive athletes

Submitted: 20 May 2023
Accepted: 6 July 2023
Published: 4 September 2023
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Futsal is an intermittent high intensity sport which has become popular worldwide. Body composition and physical fitness have been studied in different sports disciplines. However, little is known regarding body composition and cardio-respiratory performance in competitive futsal players. Body composition parameters were analyzed by electrical impedance body composition analyzer in 31 competitive male futsal players. All participants performed spirometry, handgrip strength and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Significant correlations were observed between muscle mass and spirometry parameters and peak VO2 (p≤0.05). Fat mass resulted inversely correlated with peak VO2% predicted and hand grip strength (p≤0.05). Regression analysis showed that muscle mass significantly predicts respiratory parameters (p<0.01) and reduced fat mass is associated with increased peak VO2 % predicted and handgrip strength (p<0.01). In futsal competitive athletes increased muscle mass is associated with higher spirometry parameters and fat mass is inversely associated with lower cardiorespiratory fitness.



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How to Cite

Komici, K., Verderosa , S., D’Amico, F., Parente, A., Persichini, L., & Guerra , G. (2023). The role of body composition on cardio-respiratory fitness in futsal competitive athletes. European Journal of Translational Myology, 33(3).