Acupuncture in the treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome with anxiety symptoms. A case report

Submitted: 26 March 2022
Accepted: 12 June 2022
Published: 21 June 2022
Abstract Views: 1449
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Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) is an eye disorder caused by alteration of production or composition of tear film. Symptoms include dry eye dryness, burning, itching and pain, and often is associated with emotional stress, anxiety and depression. Evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture to treat DES has recently appeared in literature but not on acupuncture treatment of DES related anxiety or depression symptoms.A 53-year-old male, good health, no serious medical conditions, with history of contact lenses wearing, anxious personality traits and anxiety symptoms, suffering from DES, was treated with acupuncture, twice a week for three weeks with somatic and ear acupoints selected from literature.Inferior marginal lacrimal meniscus, lipid layer interferometry, tear ferning test, psychiatric examination, State-Trait Inventory -Y (STAI-Y) questionnaire and Hamilton-Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) scale was evaluated before and after treatment and at 15 , 30 , 60, and 90 days follow-up.Results show clear and lasting improvements with remission of eye symptoms, together with clear and stable improvements of anxiety symptoms.Acupuncture is an effective treatment also for DES related anxiety symptoms.



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How to Cite

Pesavento, F., Lovato , A., Cappello, S., & Postiglione, M. (2022). Acupuncture in the treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome with anxiety symptoms. A case report. European Journal of Translational Myology, 32(2).