Search Results
Found 58 items.
Combining sediment Cladocera remains and geochemistry to reveal the role of a large catchment in driving changes in a small subalpine lake (Lake Ledro, N-Italy)
1276PDF: 596Supplementary: 226HTML: 762 -
Monitoring a newly re-born patient: water quality and cyanotoxin occurrence in a reconstructed shallow Mediterranean lake
2892PDF: 1182Supplementary: 426HTML: 363 -
Prediction of lake surface temperature using the air2water model: guidelines, challenges, and future perspectives
3755PDF: 1427Supplementary: 464HTML: 1166 -
Historical colonization patterns of Dolichospermum lemmermannii (Cyanobacteria) in a deep lake south of the Alps
2023PDF: 850Supplementary: 272HTML: 611 -
Analysis of main components of Lake Toba’s water quality in different seasons
Ecology of Cladocera species from Central America based on subfossil assemblages
2199PDF: 817HTML: 1105 -
Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) extinction in small boreal lakes revealed by ephippia pigmentation: a preliminary analysis
1388PDF: 513Supplementary: 207HTML: 613 -
Cyanobacterial dynamics and toxins concentrations in Lake Alto Flumendosa, Sardinia, Italy
1955PDF: 852Supplementary: 393HTML: 337 -
Subfossil Cladocera as a powerful tool for paleoecological reconstruction
1835PDF: 683HTML: 1382 -
Spatial-temporal study of cluster 5 picocyanobacteria and exopolymeric microgels in Lake Maggiore
775PDF: 226DOC: 0HTML: 21 -
Building a local reference library for metabarcoding survey of lake macrobenthos: oligochaetes and chironomids from Lake Maggiore
822PDF: 0PDF: 0PDF: 163DOC: 0DOC: 0HTML: 10 -
Exploring the world of micro sculptures - subfossil Cladocera remains under the SEM
1332PDF: 639HTML: 618 -
Review of 130 years of research on cyanobacteria in aquatic ecosystems in Serbia presented in a Serbian Cyanobacterial Database
2616PDF: 929Supplementary: 315HTML: 524 -
Assessment of cyanoprokaryote blooms and of cyanotoxins in Bulgaria in a 15-years period (2000-2015)
2283PDF: 1079HTML: 580 -
Non-competitive ELISA with broad specificity for microcystins and nodularins
2625PDF: 885Supplementary: 266HTML: 382 -
Using benthic diatoms for estimating lake ecological quality: Comparing different taxonomic resolution
1390PDF: 545Supplementary: 335HTML: 66 -
Foreword to the Themed Issue “Cyanobacteria”
1190PDF: 689HTML: 79 -
Cyanobacteria and microcystin contamination in untreated and treated drinking water in Ghana
2031PDF: 707Supplementary: 254HTML: 638 -
First report of cyanobacterial paralytic shellfish toxin biosynthesis genes and paralytic shellfish toxin production in Polish freshwater lakes
2259PDF: 795Supplementary: 316HTML: 212 -
Unraveling the complexity of Corbicula clams invasion in Lake Garda (Italy)
1808PDF: 611HTML: 227 -
A comparative study of the metabolic profiles of common nuisance cyanobacteria in southern perialpine lakes
1668PDF: 955Supplementary: 222HTML: 399 -
Exploring archaeal and bacterial diversity and co-occurrence in Lake Geneva Lake microbial statistical interactions
6070PDF: 430Supplementary: 159HTML: 0 -
Plankton food-webs: to what extent can they be simplified?
4113PDF: 1464HTML: 1811 -
Dominance of small-sized phytoplankton in a Mediterranean eutrophic coastal lagoon
A review on the animal xenodiversity in Sicilian inland waters (Italy)
2974PDF: 1402HTML: 1288 -
The contrasting evolution of twin volcanic lakes (Monticchio, Mt. Vulture, Italy) inferred from literature records Literature record of Monticchio lakes
1375PDF: 650Supplementary: 175HTML: 59 -
The toxic benthic dinoflagellates of the genus Ostreopsis in temperate areas: a review
4716PDF: 1920HTML: 1890 -
Phytoplankton community as monitoring tool in the terminal stretch of a micro-tidal estuary facing the Tyrrhenian Sea
Alpine freshwater fish biodiversity assessment: an inter-calibration test for metabarcoding method set up
1677PDF: 505Supplementary Materials: 0HTML: 42 -
Geographical, environmental, and biotic constraints define the spatial distribution of Diaphanosoma species (Cladocera)
Chlorination and ozonation differentially reduced the microcystin content and tumour promoting activity of a complex cyanobacterial extract
1691PDF: 546Supplementary: 214HTML: 312 -
Major contribution of prokaryotes to carbon fluxes in the pelagic microbial food webs of the Mediterranean Sea
1976PDF: 818Supplementary: 286HTML: 557
1 - 58 of 58 items