Next generation sequencing reveals distinct fecal pollution signatures in aquatic sediments across gradients of anthropogenic influence
Published: 25 November 20162565PDF: 805HTML: 711 -
Flux and fate of river-discharged sediments to the Adriatic Sea
Published: 25 November 20162021PDF: 1072HTML: 1046
Thematic papers - Subfossil Cladocera
Subfossil Cladocera as a powerful tool for paleoecological reconstruction
Published: 29 December 20161834PDF: 682HTML: 1382 -
Reconstruction of flood events in an oxbow lake (Marótzugi-Holt-Tisza, NE Hungary) by using subfossil cladoceran remains and sediments
Published: 25 November 20162891PDF: 680HTML: 829 -
Varying degradation of subfossil Daphnia longispina during the past 250 years and the discovery of fossil helmet-type head shields: preliminary results
Published: 25 November 20161448PDF: 596HTML: 490 -
Ecology of Cladocera species from Central America based on subfossil assemblages
Published: 7 December 20162189PDF: 813HTML: 1104 -
Subfossil Cladocera and pollen as indicators of natural and anthropogenic trophic changes of Lake Jelonek (Tuchola Forest, N Poland) during the Holocene
Published: 9 December 20161454PDF: 598HTML: 943 -
Exploring the world of micro sculptures - subfossil Cladocera remains under the SEM
Published: 29 December 20161327PDF: 632HTML: 618 -
Long term subfossil Cladocera record from the partly varved sediment of Lake Tiefer See (NE Germany)
Published: 27 December 20161299PDF: 651HTML: 774 -
Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) extinction in small boreal lakes revealed by ephippia pigmentation: a preliminary analysis
Published: 29 December 20161387PDF: 510Supplementary: 206HTML: 613 -
The Eemian/Early Vistulian development of the Solniki paleolake (north-eastern Poland) as shown by subfossil Cladocera
Published: 27 December 20161460PDF: 627HTML: 714 -
Combining sediment Cladocera remains and geochemistry to reveal the role of a large catchment in driving changes in a small subalpine lake (Lake Ledro, N-Italy)
Published: 27 December 20161272PDF: 592Supplementary: 225HTML: 762