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Remote sensing of sea surface salinity: A bibliometric analysis


In recent years, rapid advances in technologies have allowed significant positive changes within the field of satellite observations of the global ocean. This paper reviews the available global scientific literature that focuses on the study of salinity by remote sensing, tracking its evolution and trends by combining social network analysis and bibliometrics. Furthermore, the study shows the relationships and co-occurrences between authors, countries and keywords retrieved from the abstracts and citations database provided by Scopus. An analysis of 581 publications has been carried out. The achieved results, which highlight a worldwide increase in scientific interest in this field over the last decade, may constitute a useful tool for a global vision and for a potential improvement in the international efforts employed in the study of salinity from remote sensing.

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Supporting Agencies

This work was partly funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) under the Antarctica National Research Programme (PNRA) entitled ”SWIMMING - Sea ice-wave interaction monitoring for marginal ice navigation”, PNRA18_00298.

How to Cite

Zanon, F., Cesarano, C., Cotroneo, Y., Fusco, G., Budillon, G., & Aulicino, G. (2022). Remote sensing of sea surface salinity: A bibliometric analysis. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.4081/aiol.2022.10862