The Mannequin-leg: a new instrument to assess stiffness of compression materials

Submitted: 25 August 2012
Accepted: 29 November 2012
Published: 15 March 2013
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Stiffness of compression material, which has major impact on the performance of the used product, has mainly been investigated by clinical in vivo experiments up to now. Experimental two-centre study has been performed in Japan and in Austria. Results are presented using a novel leg model, whose circumference can mechanically be extended by 1 cm. The change of the interface pressure measured under a compression device corresponds to its stiffness. Inelastic and multi-component bandages show stiffness values which are more than three times higher than those of elastic bandages and of compression stockings. There is a significant correlation between the stiffness values measured with the simple mannequin- leg and those obtained from extensometer measurements (Hohen stein-method) on one hand, and also with data on the human leg (static stiffness index) on the other hand. The average variation coefficient with repeated measurements is 5.4%. The absolute values differ with the used pressure probes. The newly developed mannequin-leg offers a simple method to measure and to compare the stiffness of compression stockings and bandages, including the combination of such devices.



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How to Cite

Hirai, M., & Partsch, H. (2013). The Mannequin-leg: a new instrument to assess stiffness of compression materials. Veins and Lymphatics, 2(1), e3.